
"Together We Stand" Aquaponics and Practical Education Center begins biogas training!

On Friday John Maer, preacher, teacher and visionary, was giving us a tour of his amazing Practical Education Center, based around Aquaponics on our last evening in the Ft. Lauderdale area,  when we spied an IBC tank lying around. We had been talking about how we might integrate small scale biogas systems education into their curriculum all afternoon, and snce I istill had some uniseals and plumbing parts in the car from our previous Florida builds I said, "I don't suppose we could just do a quick build right here and now and get the ball rolling..."

Backyard biogas at Rodrigo's House!

The value of bringing the Solar CITIES Biogas circus on the road comes from the number of people we meet who are ready to embrace home scale biogas once they learn how simple it is to do.  Rodrigo Lima met us at the Ft. Lauderdale Green Planet festival in one of our workshop sessions and spent time with us at our booth and immediately joined our facebook group.

Florida's First Backyard Biodigester with Tim Hicks and family!

Florida got its first backyard biodigester on May 25, 2015 when Solar CITIES biogas evangelists T.H. Culhane and Tim Laugher drove to Florida from New York to start the biogas wave, building five IBC digesters in five locations in 5 days. This was the first, a blessing for the launch of our Green Faith mission, dedicating our biogas initiative to the glory of God.