On Friday John Maer, preacher, teacher and visionary, was giving us a tour of his amazing Practical Education Center, based around Aquaponics on our last evening in the Ft. Lauderdale area, when we spied an IBC tank lying around. We had been talking about how we might integrate small scale biogas systems education into their curriculum all afternoon, and snce I istill had some uniseals and plumbing parts in the car from our previous Florida builds I said, "I don't suppose we could just do a quick build right here and now and get the ball rolling..."
Of course John, being the type of missionary for sustainability and justice and self-sufficiency that he is, was enthusiastic with that tinkerers excitement that told us immediately he was one of us!
Within the hour we had another IBC system constructed, ending our Florida biogas building mission with a satisfying completeness -- 5 digesters in 5 days!
Now the center can continue to spread this light to the surrounding community (they host high school and college students, often working with and transforming the lives of "at-risk" youth through hands-on solutions to the questions of how to make a living and live a healthy life.). What a great way to end our Green Faith Biogas tour!