The value of bringing the Solar CITIES Biogas circus on the road comes from the number of people we meet who are ready to embrace home scale biogas once they learn how simple it is to do. Rodrigo Lima met us at the Ft. Lauderdale Green Planet festival in one of our workshop sessions and spent time with us at our booth and immediately joined our facebook group. When we posted that we were travelling to Florida to attempt some hands-on builds of domestic dragons he was the first person to write and say "yes, let's do this at my place!". As a tool maker and inventor in industrial design with a passion for gardening he already had a hydroponics system set up near his fruit trees and just needed a biodigester to provide the liquid fertilizer and the gas for accent lighting gas lamps and barbecues. He invited us over for dinner after he got home from work and had an IBC tank delivered which we built in the garden before sitting down to a delicious meal.