
Eco-village Biogas Seminar with T.H. Culhane at Tamera Solar Village, Portugal

Have time at the end of this month? Have you been interested in visiting the Tamera Ecovillage Solar Test Field, with its amazing greenhouse and food waste heated Stirling engine and Solar Kitchen, constructed wetland water retention landscape and permaculture gardens, but wondered when the best time would be to make the trip? This is your chance! There is still time and space for you to become a part of the Global Campus biogas team and turn your European Vacation into "Spring trip to Tamera in Portugal" and come home a biogas apostle.

A Solar CITIES team member aspires to be a "Possibility Manager"

As we work to define our roles in the Solar CITIES movement around the world, clarity comes from considering that what we really aspire to be are "Possibility Managers" in the sense discussed by Clinton Callahan. These paragraphs from his book "Adventures in Thinking" do a good job of summarizing how a Solar CITIES team member should approach the work:

"Blogging the world's first basement biodigesters" by T.H. Culhaneinnoventor

Domestic food wastes have been the focus of many environmental remediation efforts, from municipal attempts to encourage source separation and collection to “Do it Yourself” (DIY) and commercial attempts to treat organic residuals on-site through aerobic composting.

Sensing pH in a way that makes sense (for the other 90%), by T.H. Culhane

For years now, many of us have been engaged in various discussions and experiments to determine the best way to continuously monitor the pH of our biogas systems.  Those of us doing this at home on limited to nonexistent budgets have dreamed of an inexpensive DIY microcontroller based system that we can stick in a port in our tanks and forget about (except for the readings on our smart phones which would alert us when things are going sour, of course!).