At the Tampa Museum of Science and Industry (MOSI) across the road (Fowller) from my office at the Patel College of Global Sustainabiity I personally donated, and our students constructed, both a Solar CITIES floating IBC biodigester and my HomeBiogas digester from Israel. We worked with education leader Ian Reed and high school students from his summer school team and now have a showcase for both the DIY method and the commercial system, side by side that is used to teach schoolkids and visitors every day.
The original location of the digester was next to the Butterfly Garden, with the effluent growing the Asclepias Milkweed at twice the normal rate to feed the butterfly larvae. When MOSI closed half of its building, including the garden, we moved it out to the parking lot where you can see it today.
You can learn more about it through this newsclip: