The Solar CITIES solar heated IBC biodigester in Auja Bedouin Village in Palestine.
This was the first field deployment of our new "refugee camp" biogas system made from 3 IBCs with a passive solar heating window on the south side. We did field trials at Tamera Ecovillage in Portugal, at Kathy Puffer's Homestead Ecosystem in Tilsson NY and at Janice Kelsey's Homestead Ecosystem in Glenmoore Pennsylvania.
In addition to building the Solar CITIES 3 IBC Biodigester at the bedouin camp with students from Mercy College's "Envisaj Mercy Environmental Sustainability and Justice League" Club we installed two Israeli HomeBiogas systems in a Bedouin Village and visited at stayed at the Auja Eco-Center where HomeBiogas had built two larger scale (4 cubic meter) systems to handle the restaurant wastes.