Solar CITIES is completing Florida's first community biodigester at the Bishop family farm Rosebud Sustainability Education project. This is the first of three and will be used as a proof of concept and training ground for the entire south, using biogas as the central technology that will include hydroponics, native plants, and Solar energy. USF Patel College students and faculty have been involved and it is hoped that the site will become a living laboratory for best practices in Sustainable Development that will influence the entire region.
Seeing that some months passed from the construction of the digester, I am curious to know how is the operation of the biodigester proceeding.
What type and amount of feedstock have you been using? And which is the gas yield you are obtaining from this system?
I would also like to know if you encountered any nuisance (for example the emission of odors by the digester, failures of the system...), or if you have any improvement/suggestion for the operation of Puxin 10m3 biodigester after your experience.
I look forward for an answer.
All the best,