~ The Biogas Solution Beyond the MDGs ~~Solar Cooking: Real Change for Women post-MDGs ~~The Impact of Solar Energy on Our Future~
Sponsors: Mercy College, Brahma Kumaris, Solar Cookers International
For Brahma Kumaris:
Denise Scotto, Human Rights Lawyer, Founder, Global Legal Strategies
"...for me, the spiritual is an integral part of my life, and it is not just about working to
advance human rights, and the empowerment of women, youth, and other groups.
It is about creating a better world and advancing the human consciousness."
Golo J. Pilz, Head of Project “India One” solar thermal power project
(via Skype from Germany)
“We have forgotten the common good. On the deepest level, it could be said the
desertification of the Planet is a reflection of human spirit. The technology for
Renewable energy is there, but the human will and motivation is missing. And our
vision is missing. We can start everyday by saying ‘I am a good person, my friends
are good, and today I will have a good day.”
For Solar Cookers International:
Arline Lederman Ph.D., Vice President, Main Representative to UN
Arline J. Lederman lived for more than 6 years in Afghanistan in the 1960's and
1970’s, where she taught at the university, worked for the Royal Government
of Afghanistan and travelled all the passable roads in that beautiful country.
With a Fulbright Fellowship, in 1978 she returned to finish her doctoral research
documenting the variety and beauty of the traditional arts of Afghanistan. Returning
to the US, she became committed to working with Solar Cookers International as a
as an important solution to the challenges women face worldwide. She has been a
SCI Board member since 2008.
Jack Garvey Jr., Database and Development Manager
Jack started working with Solar Cookers International in the summer of 2013.
Previously, he worked on special projects for the City of Davis, the Davis Chamber
of Commerce, and Yolo County. He was a Program Coordinator at the Aspen
Network of Development Entrepreneurs, a nonprofit organization focused on
impact investing in emerging markets. Jack has also worked on a number of
local and national campaigns, training volunteers, collecting data, and writing
communications,he received a BA in Public Policy Analysis from the University of
North Carolina at Chapel Hill and lives in Davis, CA. Jack is excited about helping
SCI share clean energy solutions to global problems.
For Mercy College:
Abigail Franco, Shamir Hyman, Martha Perez, Tasheem Hall
Students and Members of: Envisaj ~ Environmental Sustainability and
Justice Club
Michiko Kuroda, Visiting Professor, International Relations and Diplomacy
International Mediator at the United Nations, and Certified Mediator in NY State.
Former Chief of Staff at UN peacekeeping and peace building missions in
Timor-Leste and senior Management Analyst in Department of Peacekeeping
Operations, Senior Conflict Management Officer in the Ombudsman's Office,
Program Manager, Capacity Development Program, Headquarters Committee on
Contracts. Board Member of the Institute of Mediation and Conflict Resolution,
Bronx. Her publications include Early Warning and Conflict Resolution,(co-editor),
McMillan & St.Martin's Press, London & New York, 1992. Studied in Belgium, USA,
Switzerland, in addition to her studies in Japan.
Professor Thomas Culhane, Environmental Science, Visiting Faculty
He is the co-founder of Solar CITIES and is a National Geographic Emerging
Explorer (Class of 2009.) He received a Blackstone Ranch Innovations Challenge
Grant to research and implement low-cost cold weather biogas digesters. He
believes that every household can start to eliminate their contribution to global
warming, waste production, pollution and our collective addiction to oil and
nuclear fuels by installing an InSinkErator and then piping the output to a home or
community scale biogas digester.
(You Tube presentation discussion by Students)
Learn more about India ONE an ongoing solar thermal research project in
India that uses, and gain a new perspective on individual responsibility to
make choices in daily life that contribute to the collective good. Also an
understanding of how sustainable energy use for development can enhance
the area being developed.
Methods for simple, affordable household and community energy solutions
that can reverse climate change. An inspiring demonstration of how to make
biogas solution systems: at home, in the community and in schools.
"Solar Cookers International (SCI) has been
spreading solar cooking knowledge globally for more than a quarter century
to benefit people and the environment on every continent. Solar cooking is
a quick fix for all 8 MDGs, and particularly improves the lives of women and
girls by relieving them of the burden, danger, and health risk of gathering
biomass fuels for cooking and pasteurizing water. Solar thermal cooking is
the least expensive cooking method on the planet. Every solar cooked meal
improves human quality of life and preserves sensitive environments.