Green Faith

Faith Lutheran Evangelical Church Community Garden Biodigesterinnoventor

As part of our Green Faith Initiative we built a couple of biodigesters with the students of USF's Patel College with Reverend Russel Meyer at the Fairth Lutheran Evangelical Church Community Garden to supply liquid compost to the raised beds, working with Engineer Doctor Eric Weaver and gardening expert David Whitwam.

USF Hillel Jewish Community Center Biodigester

As part of our Green Faith Initiative we have introduced Biodigesters to the USF Hillel Center shepherded by visionary green Rabbi Ed Rosenthal. and Program Director Sylvie Feinsmith to complement their community garden (of Eatin!).

They make some fine home-made ice cream at the USF Hillel and whatever melts or isn't eaten... can turn back into fuel and fertilizer! Thanks to Ed and Sylvie and the staff of Hillel for being the first place on USF campus to "adopt a dragon".

Solar CITIES first Green Faith build in NY at the First Unitarian Church in Hastings in Greenburgh

To launch our Green Faith Initiative in New York, Solar CITIES US team built the Empire State's first biodigester in a house of worship at the First Unitarian Church in Hastings New York on a sunny Sunday in mid June, making it a true Holy day for us.  The digester is of the Solar CITIES insulated IBC design and is situated at the church's community vegetable garden where its fertile liquid compost will turn food wastes back into nutritious food.